2019 > Executive Summery Executive Summary In 2019 the population of Barcelona was 1,674,903. Ciutat Vella is the district with the highest percentage of elderly people living alone and of people born outside Spain. Environmental context The World Health Organization's air quality guidelines continue to be exceeded. 1 in 4 schools in Barcelona have NO2 levels above the legal limit. It is estimated that the excess of air pollution with respect to the WHO recommendationscauses 1,000 deaths annually. 57 % of the population is exposed to noise levels from traffic above the WHO recommended limit. Between 2014 and 2018, the pedestrian area inthe city increased by 25.3 %. In 2019 there were 9,255 traffic acci- dents that left 11,864 people injured or dead. One in four applications received for water quality control resulted in non-compliance for lead. The food industry has a 60 % compli- ance rate with food safety controls, restau- rants has a 55 % compliance rate, commercial restaurants has a 36 % compliance rate and retailing has a 33 % compliance rate. El Poble-Sec heads the list of neighbour- hoods with the highest incidence of rats and where the most risk elements with mosquito activity have been detected. Ciutat Vella, Nou Barris and Sant Andreu have less space available per person in the home. 10.6 % of people living in the city suffer from energy poverty, 15.6 % among the most disadvan- taged social classes. Socio-economic context The estimated average family expenditure in Barcelona for 2018 is 35,651 euros per house- hold. By 2019, for the first time in a long time, the unemployment rate is decreasing while the employment rate is increasing. In 2019, one out of every five salaried people was employed on a temporary basis. People living on rent, those on lowr incomes and thosee born abroad spent 40 % of their income on housing-related expenses. Over the last 5